So…as I promised, here are my humble opinions about the comments given on my entry on STIGMA BERTUDUNG DAN TIDAK BERTUDUNG. My opinions are based on what I feel, as I do not have a deep knowledge on hadiths and all that, I may be wrong, I may be right, but hey, its an open discussion right. All of us can learn from each other. And hope there are no hard feelings afterwards..So, to all my virtual and non-virtual friends, sorry if ada terkasar bahasa in my opinions.
Comments to hekenawang
kita semua tau yg tudung tu hukumnya wajib dipakaikan?
apa yg dh ada dlm agama, wajib, haram, sunat, semua tu dah jelas.
knape nk pertikaikan lg ape yg mmg
dah jelas tertulis dlm agama, hukum agama?
ME =
Its not the fact that I do not believe that the tudung is wajib or not. Saya tidak mempertikaikan kewajipan memakai tudung, sebaliknya hanya memikirkan tentang zaman sekarang, di mana umat Islam mempunyai pandangan yang serong kepada orang yang tidak memakai tudung. Personally, for me, it is important to know the rules of God but it is also important to do a little bit of soul searching ourselves. In my case, I did this. Remember the story of prophet ibrahim?
One night, Ibrahim went up to the mountain, leaned against a rock, and looked up to the sky. He saw a shining star, and told his people: "Could this be my Lord?" But when it set he said: "I don't like those that set." The star has disappeared, it could not be God. God is always present. Then he saw the moon rising in splendor and told them: "Could this be my Lord?" But it also set. At daybreak, he saw the sun rising and said: t "Could this be my Lord, this is bigger?" But when the sun set he said: "O my people I am free from all that you join as partners with Allah! I have turned my face towards Him Who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall I give partners to Allah."
So, from here, we can see that the prophet Ibrahim went on a journey to search for the truth. With Allahs help, he got what he wanted to know in the end.
It is unfair to say that orang yang tidak memakai tudung mempertikaikan hukum agama, as FUZZY said, for all you know, we could have an extra finger and you wouldn’t know it. We cannot judge people on what we see from outside. I think, most people who do not wear the tudung, are just taking a longer time to search for the truth.
lagi, kenapa harus dibenci ajakan kepada sesuatu yg baik?
ME =
We do live among people, so we do need to know what other people think of us. I agree on this. Its called personal analysis and it is good to know other peoples point of view on ourselves. Fuzzy said this --
Should we not question? Should we not argue? Should we just follow like sheep or should we analyze with our God-given mind? The power of analyzing ourselves, when achieved in the right way, would draw us closer to our God. In my opinion, maybe we should dephrase –membenci ajakan kepada sesuatu yang baik-, but change it to menganalysis sesuatu yang baik dan buruk. (am I making sense here)
Ok..thanks for the link to zaharuddin.net, so I came across this article, I don’t know if this was the one you wanted me to see, the debate to raja petra. My question is, this person who wrote this rebuttal, is his point is that women should wear the veil but not cover their faces or how? Could you elaborate..thank you
Raja Petra Wrote : "O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful." Surah Al-Ahzab (33), verse 59.
Comment : Firstly, see the words 'so that they may be recognised and not annoyed'. This means at least the face must be visible. It is wrong to say that other women at that time (non Muslim Arabs, Jews, Christians) did not wear the tudung. The truth is that the Jewish and Christian women wore far more conservative tudung than the Muslim women.
Covering the body is also required of men and women in the desert. It has nothing to do with any religion. So when the verse says 'so that they may be recognised' it actually means the women should not cover their face or head in such a way that the people cannot differentiate them from other Christian and Jewish women who also wear tudung and veils. This means there is no such thing as a tudung to cover your head and face.
My answers to Raja Petra statements are in this entry. Come and take part in the discussion.
Some people trying to support their thought by presenting -so called- Jewish and christian veil's pictures which are adapted from wikipedia and other unknown sources. Show us the absolute verse in Injil and Taurat which defines the Jewish and Christian's veil, without it, your pictures are insufficient, useless and unreliable at all. Again, show me the bible and taurat original verse.
It is learnt that the Christian woman is to cover her head whenever she is praying, whether it be at the church service or just personal prayer at home. This may mean that if she is not praying at home, she is uncovered around male guests who are not related to her
here's the thing, "to be a better muslim, u have to wear tudung", it's true. it's not a malay thought. it's an islamic thought. but i'm not saying those who wear tudung is essentially better than those who doesn't.
ME =
I do not agree on the first sentence myself, the part where to be a better muslim, you have to wear a tudung. This sounds like we judge people from the outside. We are but mere mortals and have no right to judge other mortals. I would like to question this, why is it always the issue of the muslim women so much more than the aurat of the men (im a bit of a feminist, huhu, so if you don’t mind, this is a feminist statement). Men can go around wearing shorts and it would not be such a big deal as a women not wearing a tudung. It is aurat just the same. No one judges that man as less a muslim. Why is this?
footnoteOK, so i spent my thursday holiday only able to comment not even half from all of you comments. I do not find my article of an educational value, as i still am not able to kluarkan all the fatwas and hadiths like all of you did, but i would really like to one day. Its great to know that the Islamic debate is a great one, perbezaan pendapat dalam Islam, adalah salah satu keindahan Islam...
Theres more that i want to say, but guess my brain is still woozy from the morning sun...Anyway, i think the next part would be about the dogs and the string. I as a born and bred musician have lots to disagree on this...anyway, have a nice day ahead people..