Thursday 20 November 2008



REcently, i went on a 3 day trip to was last thursday night to be exact...we set of on a really really i mean really crampt bus at 9 oclock at nite...i think there were nearly 50 or more of us..all stuck together like sardines in a can for 10 hours...oh my god....

note to self~~ theres not always comfort in life, sometimes you have to suffer for 10 hours..haha

anyway, we arrived on friday morning around 6 am...everyone was excited seeing this statue of monkeys in front of the villa we were going to stay back was aching, i was cold and tired but i lugged around just fine...i did not bring much stuff(but still my hands were full)

the reason why we went was actually for this karnival sukan between malaysian students in indonesia... there was badminton,futsal and bowling i was in...HAHA....NONE OF THEM....hahahah...instead, i was this screaming hooligan at the sides....cheering for my team...BANDUNG!!!..haha....the sports was fun,but that was about it...

we did not have time to visit anything, which i fumed about...i really wanted to go visit the tourist areas...but apakan daya, we were stuck up in the hill for days. its ok, ill have to go nextime then, and surely ill go to those places...(but omg, im soo not gonna take the bus again...sriouzly,i was like going to puke anytime)

the room in the villa, well,i had much to complain..but i said, somtimes you need to stop the comfort in life for a while....

its nearly 4 in the morning...i havent studied a this is one of the worthless articles you can find in this blog...sigh....the end

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tak acila takde my pic. huhu..=p