A muslim girl in Malaysia is always portrayed as one with a head scarf or tudung as it is referred to in our language, the longer the tudung, the better the goodness and the sweetness of this muslim girl. On the other hand, a Muslim girl not wearing a tudung, is portrayed as the essence of evil, the drawer of bad fate and just cast aside in society as someone who lives in the modern world with no thought of her religion. i am writing here today, to vent out my anger, disagreement and also criticize the people who have criticized both of these situations, i stand on no side, and i write with an open mind. Whatever i have written, comes sincerely from my thougths and everyone is free to comment upon this.
Sometimes, people who do not understand why women wear the tudung criticize them, thinking that women with tudung are outdated, unfashionable, unknowledgeable and all the other UNs put together. Most of my friends do don the tudung and they are the opposite of this. of course, in this world, there are some who are narrow minded, but not all of them are like that. some women wear the tudung because of our malay society who accepts only muslimahs who do, some do not even understand why they wear it, they simply wear it because others do. that is why in our society today, we can see some people wearing the tudung who are not as good as they appear to be. this shows that the tudung does not really portray who a person is, it never is about how long your tudung is, its always inside that counts.
We hear news from other countries where they ban the use of the headscarf in public places like schools and so on. i do not agree with this and i think it is a shameful thing to do to people who choose to cover their heads and hair. it is in already in the new milennia for Gods sake, its a free country, and everyone is permitted to do what they think is right. I am against this ban and i am against people who have a stigma against modern women wearing the tudung.
In Turkey, under the evil regime of Kamal Antartuk, Muslimahs were dragged to the ground for wearing headscarves and were spit on for doing what they think is right in the religion. I cried when i saw my fellow Muslims fall to the ground while still keeping close to their faiths to Allah.
I write this statement boldly to proclaim that i am not wearing the tudung at this point of time. But, i warn you, that does not make me less a muslim than any others. i LOVE my religion,I BELIEVE in only ONE GOD and most of all, i try my best to do all the things needed in the daily life of a muslimah. i hate the fact that when i tell people that i want to improve myself in the Islamic way, the first thing people say is to wear a tudung. Some people who do not wear tudung are more islamic than some who do, I am not self-proclaiming myself how pious i am, but thats just the way it is.
The stigma around people who do not wear the tudung is actually even more stronger than to the people who do. Yes, there are women who do not practice the Islamic ways eventhough they are muslims, but most who do not wear the tudung, still pray 5 times a day, read the Holy Quran, and believe in what God has proclaimed
Let there be a big barrier between these 2 thoughts, the MALAYS and the MUSLIMS. To me, i respect the people who wear the tudung, from my point of view, it is actually an honour to wear one, where it checks the modesty of a muslimah. BUT...NEVER EVER think that to become more of a muslim, the girl who does not wear one must straight away don a tudung on her head.NO! if one day, i were to wear a tudung, i do not want to wear one because of the Malay society, not to impress people with how much i cover my modesty...BUT its for the LOVE OF THE ONLY GOD THAT I BELEIVE IN AND THE ONLY RELIGION THAT I HOLD. islam
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i get ur point!
N I am do think the most important things is whatever we do..we do it for Allah's sake..NOT for others..
.. so
"Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway"
ramadhan=5 days 2 go..
keep on pray pray n pray
"allahumma innaka 'afuwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni"
ya tuhanku sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun,Dan Engkau suka memberi keampunan,maka ampunilah kami)
till then..
keep on wRitting nadya=)
hai noddy,,,
im stand by your side...
org yang paling kenal kite adalah diri kita kan...
gogogo cayo nody
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha pengasih, Maha Penyayang
Sesungguhnya segala yang baik itu adalah dr Allah, dan yg buruk itu adalah kekurangan diri sy sendri.
Sebagai seorg manusia (ciptaan), yg telah diciptakn oleh Allah yg Maha Besar, kita seharusny faham dgn kedudukn kita sebgai hamba. Mengikt logik akal, hamba mesti patuh kpd tuannya. Begitulh juga situasi kita sebagai hamba Allah.
Kita msti patuh dan taat- membuat segala suruhnNya & meningglkn larangnNya.
Lebih2 lg bg mereka yg mengaku bhw mereka adalah muslim (org islam) yg telah mengucap 2 kalimah syahadh, percaya kpd 6 rukun iman & 5 rukun islam.
"aku bersaksi bhw tiada Tuhan yg disembh selain Allah dn Nabi Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah" merupakn ikrar/perjnjian kita dgn Allah bhw kita adalah muslim (org yg menerima islam sbg panduan hidup) yg hanya akan taat kpd Allah dn mengikuti ajaran baginda Rasulullah s.a.w.
Apabila kita telah mengucapkn ikrar ini, maka kita telah bersetuju utk patuh dn taat kepada Allah SWT. Berdsarkn logik akal lg, seorg hmba mestilah dapt menjalankn perintah tuanny dengn baik, dn jika tidak dpt dilaksanakn dengan baik, hamba itu patut dihukum.
Bagaimana kita nk tahu apa yg Allah nk dr kita (suruhan dn larangan)?
Tentulah berdasrkn kpd Al-Quran dn Hadith, kerana Al-Quran adalah kalam Allah dn Hadith adalh laporn2 ttg Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yg kita percaya adalah sbg pesuruh Allah.
Dlm surah An-Nur, ayt 31:
"dn kataknlh kpd para perempuan yg beriman, agar mrk menjaga pndanganny, dn memelihara kemaluaanny, dn jgnlah menampkkn perhiasnny (aurtnya), kecuali yg (biasa) trlihat. Dn hendklh mrk menutupkn kain kerudung ke dadany, dn jgnlah menmpkkn perhiasnny (auratny) kecuali kpd suami mrk....."
Ayt ini jelas menunjukkn perintah Allah kpd wanita2 yg beriman iaitu wanita yg telah mengucapkn ikrar 2 kalimh syahadh td. Sekirany perintah ini tidak dituruti,:
1. menunjkkn keingkarn hmba terhadap tuanny yg menyebabkn hamba tersebut boleh dihukum
2. menunjkkn bahawa keimanan terhadap Allah, blm mencapai keimanan(kepecayaan) yg sebenr kerana iman itu meliputi 3 perkara (iman dgn lisan, iman dgn hati, iman dgn perbuatn). Sekirany perintah Allah tidak diikuti, iman seseorg itu adalah sekadar lisan shj
Inilah masalah besar yg melanda umat Islam zaman ini- keimanan yg rapuh terhadap Allah SWT. Sekirany krisis iman ini dapt diatasi, insyaAllah bkn shj isu bertudung atau tidak, isu2 lain pn tidak akn timbul.
Allah SWT telah menegaskn bhw hany ISLAM agama yg diredhaiNya. Islam itu 'way of life', Islam menjadi panduan kita dlm menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari di dunia yg fana (sementara) ini. Oleh sbb itu, Islam perlu diikuti secara menyeluruh dn buknny mngikut apa yg kita rs sesuai dgn zaman. Sesungguhny ilmu Allah itu Maha Luas dn kebolehn akal manusia sgtlh trbats. Oleh sbb itu, kita kita tdk akn tahu apa hikmahny disebalik segala peraturan yg telah ditetapkn melainkn apa yg telah dijelaskn dalm Al-Qurn & Hadith.
Sebagai hamba yg tlh dikurniai nikmat iman & islam, brsyukurlh dn hargailh ia dgn trus belajar dn memahami islam. Sesungguhny hidup di dunia ini adalah untuk mmbuat pilihan. Samaada untuk mnjadi hamba yg diredhai atau dimurkai Allah itu adalah pilihan kita, samaada utk menempah syurga atau neraka itu juga pilihan kita, samaada ingn lbh mndalami agama sekrg atau nk tggu bila sdh tua juga pilihn kita. Bahkan jika kita tidak berbuat apa2, itu juga adalh pilihan kita untuk tidk berbuat apa2. Dan semua ini pasti dipertanggungjawabkn dn ditnya di padg Mashyar kelak.
Jgnlah terlalu memikirkn pndngan manusia kerana pandangan Allah SWT adalah lebih pntg dn utama
noddy, kita semua tau yg tudung tu hukumnya wajib dipakaikan?
apa yg dh ada dlm agama, wajib, haram, sunat, semua tu dah jelas.
knape nk pertikaikan lg ape yg mmg
dah jelas tertulis dlm agama, hukum agama? sdgkan rasulullah sendiri tak complaint/compare dgn ape2 time dapat perintah dari Allah.
mulia lg ke kita dari rasul?
ingt,kita ni HANYALAH SEKADAR hambaNya.
lagi, kenapa harus dibenci ajakan kepada sesuatu yg baik?
ajakan kpd sesuatu yg kita tak buat, bnda tu baik plak tu, spttnya kita terima dgn hati yg terbuka...
tambah2 lg bnda yg berkaitan dgn agama, penerimaan kita sebenarnya melambangkan kesungguhan serta ni lai keimanan kita sebagai hamba Allah.
hakikat tudung adalah perlindungan zahir dan batin.
sesungguhnya Allah SWT menjadikan seluruh tubuh wanita itu perhiasan dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki, segala sesuatu dari tubuh wanita yang terlihat oleh bukan mahramnya, semuanya akan dipertanggungjawabkan di hadapan Allah SWT nanti, tudung adalah perlindungan untuk wanita.
lg satu, jgn plak phrase " in the final analysis,
it is between you and God " trus sama skali menutup ruang kpd diorang yg ada kat luar tu yg sentiasa mengajak kepada agama, kapada kebaikan...
terkadang, dgn adenye ajakan2 yg mcm ni yg buat kita sedar yg selama ni bnda yg kita ingt btul, rupa-rupanya salah...n terkadang, ajakan2 camnila yg akan buat kita jadi muslim n muslimah yg lebih baik...jgn ingt diri kita sendiri je dah cukup utk bina diri kita utk jadi yg terbaik...kita saling memerlukan...
dalam islam, usaha atas agama tu perlu...
dan kita sbg umat islam sendiri, kene sokong n terima orang2 yg buat usaha atas agama...
siapa lg kalau bukan kita sendiri, takkan kita sendiri nk melawan?
kita skrg bnyk berfikir atas landasan logik akal...
kita terpesong bilamana logik akal digunapakai dalam soal beragama...
oh ye, sedap je mata bila tgk noddy pakai baju kurung n tudung dlm certain2 occasion sblm ni =)
jadikan ia suatu kebiasaan, berubah...
maybe susah, ataupun maybe ade alasan tu kata nak tunggu masa sesuai ke, tp semat ni dalam hati..
kekuatan itu tidak boleh ditunggu, tetapi ia perlu dibina...
ukhuwahfillah abadan abada~~~
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Damn controversial. I like that. Found your blog through Sid's wtf.
About tudung. To be fair, some muslim schools of thought does not put covering your hair as wajib.
To counter the point Hamba Allah made: the excerpt from Surah an-Nur ayat 31 [Good God, man, write full words la, damn hard to read!]: "...that they should draw their veils over their bosoms..." Hmm... I find that exact passage doesn't say anything about God asking you to cover your hair, rather it was to cover your cleavage and boobs.
To counter Hekenawang: Kenapa tidak perlu mempertikaikan ajaran manusia? I was brought up to believe a lot of Malayism and Arabism rather than Islam by my ustazs and ustazahs.
An Ustaz told me to visualize Ka'abah during prayers - that's bullshit, that's idolatry.
An Ustazah told me that God used We in the Quran because a] God's not human so can't use human's usual words - stupid reason [b] Only God knows why - God, such a weak-ass argument. Through asking and learning I found out that, like in most languages, in ancient Arab, kings use the word We to denote their supremacy over others.
Then there's the stupid fatwas on the haramness of dogs, on stringed musical instruments, on the assassination of Salman Rushdie... These are all human conclusions. Should we not question? Should we not argue? Should we just follow like sheep or should we analyze with our God-given mind?
To quote Hamba Allah "
Jgnlah terlalu memikirkn pndngan manusia kerana pandangan Allah SWT adalah lebih pntg dn utama " - Masalahnya kena tahu mana satu pandangan Allah, mana satu pandangan manusia.
Because of the controversy, I've put a bookmark on your blog already, say yay!
One small other thing to hakenawang: About rasulullah tak complain, dude, tak ingat cerita isra' mi'raj? God decreed that men should pray, what, 5000 times a day? And didn't the prophet Muhammad said, "Dude.. that's too much for us, man." Maybe not in those exact words, but the gist is the same. First time Jibril came to Muhammad and commanded him to read, didn't he actually whined, "Dude, I can't!" Aren't these complaints?
Holy molly, I wrote a miniblog on your comment page wtf.
thanks for all the comments i said before....i take it all in and accept everyones views no matter what it is...i really appreciate evryones thoughts and hope for more...may Allah bless us with whatever road we choose!!
Nice article...untuk awal ni ada idea lagi nak komen sal isu ini.Tetapi mengakui isu ini bukan boleh kita simpan dibawah karpet tanpa dibuka peluang untuk dibincang bersama...untuk awal ini,saya bagi beberapa link-link yang saya kira bagus untuk sahabat-sahabat dan nody sendiri untuk menambah nilai article...§ionid=14&id=60&Itemid=99
nanti singgah lagi...tapi jgn lupa singgah blog saya...
for fuzzy a...hati-hati dalam membahaskan ayat al-quran jika anda sendiri tidak pasti dan bahkan tidak tahu mentafsir ayat Al-Quran...berkenaan dengan urusan manusia ada a dan b nya.boleh kita bergurau,boleh kita bertolak ansur..tetapi bila berkenaan agama plz refer pada pandangan-pandangan ulama yang muktabar...saya amat takut bila ayat quran ditafsir semberono dan akibatnya aqidah...islam tiada grey area,hanya hitam dan putih,halal dan haram,islam dan kafir....
jd hati-hati
Haha, betul abang amad. Tapi ultimately, it's not us to say which Ulama' yang muktabar ke ulama' yang kurang belajar ke ulama' yang buat suka hati dia.
Ada satu hadith qudsi where an Ulama' stands in front of Allah on Judgment Day and God said, "You did but study [religious] knowledge that it might be said [of you]: He is learned. And you recited the Quran that it might be said [of you]: He is a reciter. And so it was said." Then God sent his ass to Hell.
Islam dan Quran dan Sunnah memanglah hitam putih. Dalam hitam putih, dalam literal meaning word-for-word, cuba baca ayat 31 Surah an-Nur tu. Memang tak dikatakan adalah wajib memakai tudung. Hanya disuruhkan bagi wanita menutup buah dadanya.
Fatwa yang membabitkan alat muzik bertali hanya berdasarkan satu saja hadith di mana Nabi Muhammad S.A.W mengatakan pada akhir zaman alat muzik bertali akan didengari berleluasa. Tidak baginda mengatakan bahawa alat muzik bertali itu haram. Ulama' yang menyatakan fatwa ini - adakah dia fikir bahawa dengan mengharamkan alat muzik bertali, dia dapat postpone hari kiamat? Subhanallah, adakah ulama' ini lupa bahawa dia itu hamba dan bukan Tuhan?
Fatwa membabitkan status haram anjing diasaskan di atas dasar 3 hadith. Pertama, Nabi S.A.W menyuruh kita membasuh pinggan dengan air dan tanah selepas pinggan tersebut dijilat anjing. Hadith kedua adalah bila masa penyakit anjing gila berleluasa di kota Madinah, Nabi Muhammad menyuruh sahabatnya membunuh anjing liar. Hadith ketiga di bawah kecurigaan seperti hadith-hadith sembahyang terawih [hari pertama dapat mahligai lah, dapat emas lah] - di dalamnya Nabi menyatakan bahawa Malaikat tidak akan masuk ke dalam rumah yang ada anjing - tidak munasabah jika difikirkan yang Malaikat bencikan makhluk Allah lain dan sanggup mengingkari perintah Allah daripada berada dekat dengan anjing. Ada kemungkinan bahawa ulama' yang mengisukan fatwa ini pernah digigit anjing semasa dia kanak-kanak dan ini menyebabkan emotional trauma, dan disebabkan itu, unconsciously, he saw that those hadiths say dogs are haram.
Secara hitam putihnya anjing itu tidak haram, secara hitam putihnya, gitar, sitar, piano tidak haram.
Yang pakai tudung itu, saya hanya menunjukkan literal meaning of the ayat. Maybe ada yang saya overlooked. Tidak saya katakan rambut itu aurat atau tidak, cuma saya katakan bahawa ayat itu tidak menyebutkan bahawa rambut itu aurat.
Itu hitam putih. Saya juga memang bedasarkan pandangan saya di atas hitam putih. Dan memang telah saya kaji dua fatwa ini dengan mendalam. Bukannya saya suka-suka kata. Memanglah saya tidak menggunakan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pertama. Memanglah blog saya lebih kepada alam yang fana dan agak kurang ajar bahasanya. Memanglah saya tidak berserban, tidak berjanggut. Tetapi itu tidak bermakna saya tidak tahu pasal Islam.
Memang patut kita dengar ajaran ustaz dan ustazah dan ulama. Tapi kita perlu berfikir juga, perlulah kita menganalisis kata-kata mereka. Tuhan letak kita di dunia untuk menjadi Khalifah, bukannya untuk menjadi pak kadok.
Haha, no hard feelings, eh? Sorry Nadya again for using your blog to write my own miniblogs. Keep on rockin' eh?
Saya xda masalah
saudara...perbezaan pandangan saya alukan...saya nak cakap panjang pun tidak sesuai rasanya,cuma bila dalam saya duk tengok-tengok hujah yang saudara guna tu,sejibik mcm hujah Raja the way,Ustz Zaharuddin dah jawap itu semua dalam article dia,siap dalam bahasa Inggeris link dia
Ini soal hukum,soal seseorang itu mahu ikut atau tidak kita buka medan perbincangan lain..dan juga saya tidak berserban dan tidak suka label-label orang...=)
p/s:Kita boleh khilaf soal fiqh tetapi tiada khilaf soal akhlak..=)
Haha, funny thing is I hate RPK's writing style that I don't read him. But then again, a good thing from the mouth of a bad person doesn't make the thing bad, does it? Ironically, a bad thing from a good person's mouth makes the person bad. wtf haha.
Oh well.
I guess it is time to agree to disagree. We can do this all night long and still we each won't change our own convictions, eh? Let's just say both our opinions are not wrong but rather they're just that: Your opinion and my opinion.
to fuzzy a
like dr amad said..i dont think that people at our level should just go and interpret quran word by word, and then give meanings to it. to do that, u actually have to know certain knowledge, quite a lot actually, such as usul fiqh, alquran+hadith etc. the thing dat we learned during the 2ry school, includes that of arabic language, does not cut it at all. u need more than that. dats y we leave interpreting quran and hadith, to those who study bout 'em, per say, al-mufassirin. in easier example, i'm saying that we do not want a carpenter to b our attorney. yes, we can always talk about law with them, but to make 'em our attorney, that's just plain stupid. y? u know the answer.
and i'm not saying that we shouldn't analyse what the ulama decided. coz of course, we dont wanna b pak kaduk. especially, things that have khilaf in it, that is in the grey area. different ulama will say different things. so pick the best opinion (mind you, not the best opinion that suits ur lifestyle). how to do that? u must actually assess which of them has stronger dalils, n logical explanation to it. dalil first, and logics later. but to make it easier, we do have ulama muktabar. such as in Malaysia, we have majlis fatwa negara. this body will decide the hukm for things that are in the grey area. n y should we trust them? because this body is consisted of people who know a shitload about islam that we don't.
but i'm not saying that we should always follow what has been said by body such as majlis fatwa kebangsaan. becoz there r too many ulama in this world who have different opinions, n each one of 'em, has dalils to make their decreement concrete and solid. but as i said, u assess which opinion is the best [usually the one by jumhur ulama (majlis fatwa kebangsaan) give the best hukm].
regarding tudung, i can say that there is no doubt at all, that hair is a part of the aurah. u can read for details. if u dont agree with it, come up with dalil and the explanation. n don't forget ur sources' name (dr yusuf qardhawi, wahabah zuhaily etc). we dont need any other lame asses who translate quran word by word, don't we now? --- refering to RPK.
bout stringed instrument. all i know, that there r 2 hukm. some of the ulama say it's haram, saome say it's not. pick urs.
bout dogs, if by haram, u mean, eating it and touching it while it's wet, then, the same thing as the hair. the jumhur ulama say that dog is najs mughallazah. and i doubt that millions of ulama, since the day of the Muhammad's companions, happened to, all of them, hate dog
after seeing u talking bout dogs, it looks like ure saying that ulamas can issue their fatwa, under the influence of what they feel at that time (hating dog). i would like to remind u, there is only a handful of people in this world, who has the power to issue a fatwa. n this people know that whatever they say, can affect millions of muslims around the world. ur ustaz n ustazah doesn't count as one. so i doubt they will say that dog is haram, juz because a traumatic encounter with it during childhood. these people, r usually good in islam, as albert einstein is good in physics. and even after that, there r bodies, jam3iyyah, who will decide the final hukm. fatwa doesn't juz come out like that. sometym, it takes years to reach a fatwa. if ure talking bout ulama opinions on certain issue, like i said, there r too many ulama who has different point of view over a matter. some of them come up with poor argument. if u find sumone who actually basing their opinion on hadith dhoif, then hell with it.
to nadya,
here's the thing, "to be a better muslim, u have to wear tudung", it's true. it's not a malay thought. it's an islamic thought. but i'm not saying those who wear tudung is essentially better than those who doesn't.
let me put it in analogy. to be healthier, u have to eat veges. but not necessarily ppl who eat veges is healthier than ppl who dont. there r other factors that can influence dat, per say, cancer. u cant be a healthy person, if u have a cancer in ur system, regardless of how many fruit+veges that u eat. rite? but there's no denying that u need to eat veges to be healthy.
all im saying is, we all know what is right and what is wrong. ppl who say that there will b a time when they'll change, i'll say, who said do u have time? u might day tomorrow. n ppl who say, god will understand them why they do bad things, i'll say, the fact is, u dont understand god.
we can't say that we're proud of our religion, when we are not doing the simplest thing that God said. if u wanna talk the talk, u walk the walk. there's no way around that.
salam ramadhan peeps.
Jika sesenang itu boleh memutuskan hukum...buang masa je kwn-kwn kita pergi mesir,jordan duk belajar agama...baik check internet,tgk fatwa2 ulama pastu putuskan sendiri hukum...
As medical student,tidak perlu saya duk belajar jauh2,lama2...baik pergi kedai kamal..beli textbook medik pastu treat patient terus...ingat sesenang itu ke!!!????
Masuk rumah melalui pintu,bukan tingkap...ada adat dan akhlaknya.begitu juga dalam berbicara soal agama,ada disiplin-disiplin yang perlu kita timbangkan
Seorang majikan jumpa pekerja syok duk main games waktu berkerja...
"Bos tgk je saya main games,tapi hati saya baik",kata si pekerja...
pinjam kata fuzzy!!!
Tidak kena pecat,kena pelempang di bos je...itu pekerja dgn bos...inikan TUHAN kita...nak beralasan,nak bertangguh,nak berdalih...Lu pikir la sendiri.
When I said truce, I meant that actually. No more bad blood. But really, it's up to you to accept whose translation and whatever. I thought we could have had an intelligent debate but I keep forgetting how that's not possible with Malays.
fonso zone, dude, you are the exact problem of the malay muslims. You don't know me, you don't know the level of my knowledge, hell, you don't even know if I have an extra finger on my right hand. How dare you assume that I am on the same level as you? I'm not denying or agreeing with that particular statement, but Malay Muslims assume too much without even thinking. They assume, because they have been taught from the beginning that A is A and B is B, A cannot be C. They assume just because everybody else says mr A is good, mr A shits gold. Hell, I could be the imam of Masjid Nabawi for all you know about me.
Back to the topic. There are a lot of contemporary scholars who rejects the haramness of dogs. Dr. Abou el Fadl for one. Dr. Ayoub M Banderker for another. These doctors are versed in worldly science and religious knowledge. Sifat Mahmudah ke-3 Berserdehana dalam semua perkara. World and Akhirat must be balanced, not favored one more than the other.
Let's use your reasoning: Muslims from way back say that dogs are haram. I disagree but just use that as an example. The story of Qabil and Habil has been told countless time and there's documents, story books from old Muslims empires in Turkey, Baghdad, Egypt that tells the reason Qabil killed Habil is because of a woman, Habil's wife is prettier or something like that. Open up the Quran now and see what's the real reason stated there.
Let us not forget that the Islam we know today is of the Arabs. The Islam we get today was passed through, quite probably altered by too, the Umayyad Dynasty, who fought Ali, who ruled cruelly under the pretense that it's not their fault, it's God who set the fate that they be cruel. And do go on saying that Arabs are great because I'll fricking slay you. The greatest of prophets was not sent to the greatest of races, you know. God broke his record of keeping the big prophets in the tribe of prophet-killers and oathbreakers and put the Greatest of His Prophets into another clan. What does that tell you about the Arabs of that time? Allah and Muhammad brought up the status of women, Arabs put them lower than they ever were. Not to be racist towards Arabs but Malays have got to stop believing in Arabic Supremacy.
Have you ever thought of why God personally extends His protection over the Quran? This is the book that hasn't been altered since it came and everyone in the world today can get the very same Quran that Othman himself compiled. Have you ever thought why God's first word to Muhammad on that lonely hill was "Read"? Remember that the Quran is not for Muhammad or the council of Ulama', but rather for the individual Muslim. It is to my opinion that God knew then that the future would be filled with sheep and God put the liberation from this mindset just an arm stretch away.
Dr. Amad, do not try to throw that crap about you being a medical student to me. It's not that impressive if you act like an uneducated person in your speech. I am a Medical Student in his fifth year in Russia. You don't impress me, you make me go tsktsk and look down on you. You want me to use the analogue of employers and employees? Let's use this, An Employer has a good Manager. What if a lowly Office Boy learns what he can from the Manager and branch out and give his OWN idea to the Employer? Who would the Employer favor more, the Manager or the Office Boy? Ye la, Kawan kawan kita pergi Jordan, Mesir. Adake tuhan kata kalau nak jadik ulama', kalau nak tau pasal agama wajib pergi Jordan, Mesir? Macam tu ke?
You both make me feel so angry. I respect your opinions though I disagree greatly with them. I tried to keep it civilized but the real reason I feel angry is that you succeeded in making me stoop down to your level.
Wahai fuzzy a yang alim ulama...
Contoh anjing dan alat muzik itu ada khilaf dikalangan ulama...ada dalil yang mengharamkan dan ada juga dalil yang tidak...Jadi jika bab ini DUA,saya tidak kisah sama ada saudara mahu bermain muzik bertali sejak dari malam sampai ke subuh,dan jika saudara mahu memeluk anjing yang kering bulunya dari pagi sampai ke malam...terserah.Anda ada justifikasi atas tindakan itu,ada dalil membenarkan...
Sekarang tentang hukum rambut adalah aurat...Siapa ulama-ulama muktabar yang mengatakan rambut bukan aurat.Saudara jangan ambil pandangan "sosok" kononnya beragama tapi menganut fahaman liberalisme...
Saudara banyak ambil "selekoh".Saya tidak mengatakan untuk menjadi ulama perlu pergi ke tempat tersebut.Tetapi untuk menjadi mahir agama,tahu selok belok memutuskan hukum perlu ada disiplin-disiplin ilmunya...Cukup ke baca fatwa dua tiga,selepas itu putuskan sendiri.Sekali lagi,jangan "konar banyak sangat" saudara. Dari isu bertudung,keluar anjing dan muzik...huh
Manusia tidak akan berubah berdasarkan apa yang dia TAHU,tetapi berdasarkan MAHU,MAHU itu soal HATI... Lambakkanlah dalil berbakul-bakul,hadis bertimbun-timbum,jika hati katakan TIDAK,x jalan...Konar kiri,konar kanan
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
fuzzy a
dude, why r u mad at me?
honestly, im pretty puzzled ryt now. the only thing that i dont agree with u is how u translate quran word by word n give meanings to it. i said we are on the same level, which means, we're muslim commoners. coz i was damn sure ure not taking religious field as ur main course. im saying that we should leave those who study quran and hadith to deal with quran and hadith. coz they know essentially a lot better. but if ure thinking that ure on the same par with the mufassirin and muhaddiseen, then i wont say nothing.
and what's with the arab thing so suddenly? i never mention anythng bout arab though. hmmm.. @_@ (hell i hate arab so fucking much sumtym).
and bout the dogs, and hair, and stringed instrument..i was merely replying. i wasnt saying that ure downrite wrong. i was sharing my knowledge bout it. i thought those issues are opened for discussion. i guess i was wrong.
but..again..why r u so mad at me?im confused.
people people....i think this open discussion is getting a bit out of hand...i do not have the time yet to say my views upon all that has been said...but looks like this is a very heated debate or should i say argument?anyway, its good that i see views from different minds...just hope that all will come to a truce e...happy eid people....!!! = )
Sori nody jika terkeluar perkataan yang tidak sepatutnya di blog saudari...
ok kembali pada article asal...tiada anjing,tiada muzik bertali,tiada rambut itu bukan aurat...yang ada article nody..=)
Haha, really ah, fonso zone? I think I was in a rather bad state of mind when I read your reply that I misinterpreted the tone, kua [I skipped yours to read another's than returned back to you, that's why, kot]. Sorry, sorry.
The Arab came out because the views, the interpretations and indeed, the rituals in Islam today itself is largely based on Arab culture historically. There's a lot of things that are not stated neither by Muhammad nor the Quran but is treated as sacred or an almost wajib thing by the Muslim community today, which actually stemmed out from the Arab culture and social norms, both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars, real scholars, agreed on this. An example: physical segregation during prayers between the sexes [the veil, I mean]. I must've forgotten to link that thought with this fact.
I do disagree with your saying that we 'muslim commoners' are supposed to leave the matters to those who study Islam as their major. I think it was the sufi Bayazid who said that, "The real mystic [wali] is not one who studies religion, keep away from the materialistic world and prays a hundred times a day. The real mystic is the one who goes on his day-to-day life like everybody but think of Allah every second of his life."
To me, this quote shows that everyone has the ability to and the responsibility to be the mystic rather than lepas tangan to another person to lead us. Furthermore, in the Quran and Sunnah, there's always the urge to pursue theological knowledge alongside the materialistic. No where, to the best of my knowledge, is there written that one should denounce the world for the afterworld or the other way round.
Plus, it is very rare that one could know the real agenda of anyone, yes, even the ulama'. I'm not saying, don't listen to this ulama' or to that ulama'. I'm saying, ulama' are there just to guide us. I've heard the arguments of the mainstream ulama' for their own fatwas and their oppositions' and for me, in the case of Dogs and Music, I find that the latter is more rational and truthfully, more based on Islam in its core. And seriously, through my life, I was a dramad then an atheist now a devout believer. I've had three different points of view on the same things.
Nadya, Dogs and Music came into this in the beginning as a way to show that some damn famous fatwas are not hundred percent based on Hadiths and Quran. And I stand on the ground that I never said hair is not aurat, I said that one exact verse doesn't say that tudung is wajib.
Selamat hari raya pada semua, maaf zahir batin kalau you disagree with me and my arguments anger you.
lalala~ [effectively ignoring Dr Amad]
Food for thought [This is lansung takda kena mengena with the discussion but I feel like sharing this]:-
"O God, if I worship You for fear of your hell, burn me in hellfire. If I worship You for want of Heaven, keep me out of it but if I worship You for You, don't keep your Eternal Beauty from me."
- from the prayer of Rabi'a al-Basri
fuzzy a
haha. i thought so. i was never, nver meant to attack u. sorry if i mislead u.
mmm.. i think it's also true what u said. that we can interpret quran. but i the real reason why i said to leave those things to ulama n all, is becoz they possess knowledge that we don't. (quran + hadith). those knowledge are really hard to get on the streets. we have to go to a university, or a proper institution to get 'em. so yes, we can b the one who interpret the meanings of quran, as long as we possess all the knowledge related to it.
hai,slmt hari raya. terbaca artikel ni,wah byknye komen...bguslah,meramaikan orang2 yg 'berfikir'. kalo x sume org malas utk berfikir,sbb xde bnda yang men'trigger' org berfikir. hadoi,cacamarba bahasa.=p anyway,marilah kite beramai2 meningkatkan ilmu dan mendekatkan diri pada agama. semoga kite sume mendapat redha-Nya...=)
"O God, if I worship You for fear of your hell, burn me in hellfire. If I worship You for want of Heaven, keep me out of it but if I worship You for You, don't keep your Eternal Beauty from me."
- from the prayer of Rabi'a al-Basri
kalau xsilap saya,Nabi Muhammad ada mengamalkan satu doa yang agak bertentangan dgn doa Rabi'a al-Basri tu, which is : Allahumma inni asaluka ridhoka wal jannah, wa nauzubika min sakhotika wannar. (Ya Allah,AKU MEMOHON REDHA DAN SYURGAMU,dan aku BERLINDUNG DARI MURKA DAN NERAKAMU)
daripada ikut Rabi'a al-Basri baik ikut nabi kan? hehe,nnt saya cari balik riwayat sape ek? hadith sahih insyaallah. hehe...Nabi pon mintak syurga, Nabi pon takut neraka. nabi doa mesti Allah yang ajar. so Allah tahu kite manusia bersifat begitu,tu sbb Allah ciptakan syurga dan neraka. so,pada pandangan saya,xsalah kita mengharap syurga dan takut pada neraka. pandangan saya je,sori slh silap. hehe....
p/s: saya suka anjing. cuma jgn bagi kene najis dan air liur die jela, malas nk basuh 7kali. hehe...
saya suka muzik jugak.=p
tudung? err...rasanya hukum tudung xde perbezaan ulama',hehe...
sori slh silap,maaf zahir batin....=)
kebetulan baca artikel tu. bacala,menarik...
dan artikel tu maybe ade kaitan ngan artikel cik noddy ni. cite psl kesalahan adam dan iblis. beza antara kesalahan adam dan iblis.
adam wat salah die mengaku,dan mintak maaf (bertaubat). tapi iblis bukan setakat xnak mengaku,die siap mpetikaikan lagi kenapa die perlu sujud pada adam yang diciptakan dari tanah.
hmm,kalo ikut artikel tu, if kite wat salah tapi kite mengaku xpe...yelah,kite kan manusia yang lemah,Allah faham punye...if kite wat salah kite mengaku,Allah still sayang kite. sbb kalo kite mengaku salah,maksudnya chances utk kite berubah (xwat kesalahan tu lagi) tinggila...tapi if kite wat salah dan kite berbangga,bahaya tu...
iblis wat salah,xdelah die bangga,cuma die xnak mengaku die salah. seolah2 die nak kata Allah yang silap bagi arahan.
harap2 kita sume jangan bangga wat salah. biarlah kite rasa kite ni "anak yang degil tapi nak berubah" daripada kite rasa mcm "anak yang melawan dan bagi mcm2 alasan utk menunjukkan perbuatan kite betul".
ni statement umum tau? utk peringatan bersama...jgnlah pandang slack plak bile jumpe nnt,dahla kite satu batch,satu kelab plak tu. kite kwn lg kan?=p hehehe....sori slh silap ek? maafkan tau? tau? peace.=)
Haha, Rabiah al-Basri berdoa begitu untuk mengstresskan bahawa sembah itu bukan kerana hendakkan syurga tetapi kerana Allah. Nabi Muhammad tanpa diragu-ragukan sembah kerana Allah dan bukan kerana syurga.
That is the biggest problem every muslim today face: we pray not because of God but because of the want of Heaven and the fear of Hell. Rabiah wants us to look deep into ourselves and answer honestly why do we pray. I can honestly say that for the most part of my life I was a musyrik. Now, I'm not very sure, haha.
Abul Hassan Kharaqani, pula mengatakan, "What if there's no Heaven and Hell? Then only we can see who is the sincere believer."
Aku takut syirik doh....
hai fuzzy a! =)
"Abul Hassan Kharaqani, pula mengatakan, "What if there's no Heaven and Hell? Then only we can see who is the sincere believer.""
Allah cipta syurga neraka dulu baru cipta manusia kan? sebab Allah tau fitrah manusia...Allah tau Dia AKAN menciptakan manusia dan manusia AKAN dimasukkan dalam syurga neraka. tu semua ilmu ALLAH, kita x boleh nak berkalau-kalau dalam ilmu Allah. if ALLAH xcipta syurga neraka ntanh2 kite pon xdiciptakanNya, manela kite tau,ye dak? hehe...
saya faham prinsip saudara yang tidak mahu bersetuju dgn 'perangai' sesetengah orang melayu dan muslim yang terlalu mengikut membuta tuli,saya pon setuju.
cuma topiknya sekarang Nabi pon mintak syurga. Nabi doa agar dapat REDHA Allah dan dapat SYURGA. mmg bukan TUJUAN kita menyembah syurga, tapi sebagai GANJARAN kepada manusia. bukan saya mintak,nabi yang mintak tau? hehe....
tu sbb dalam quran Allah byk bercerita ttg NIKMAT-NIKMAT syurga. utk memberi smgt pada kita bahawa kita benar dan Allah maha penyayang bagi kita "hadiah" kalau kita beriman.
sebelum awak bg hujah awk dan kita bergaduh, biarlah saya mengalah... cuma nasihat saya,
Mungkin saya salah,sori byk2 ye...
tap nabi xmungkin salah. hadith sahih plak tu,xmungkin salah. anyway,same2 kita ucap tahniah kat nadya. chaiyok nadya!!!!! hehehehe....
kalau fuzzy a! bc komen sy yg kt atas td,(sori mencelah lagi skali) harap janganlah ditimbulkan lagi perdebatan mcm dgn dr.amad tu ek? hehe....
saya tahu anda banyak ilmu. byk nama tokoh2 agama yang saya belom pernah dgr. mesti saudara byk membaca. tapi saya hrp xperlulah didebatkan lagi ek? saya cuma bawakan hadith nabi je,maafkanlah saya kalau bercanggah dengan pandangan ulama. sebab saya berpendapat tiada kata2 ulama yang lebih benar dari nabi.
kalau saudara tetap jugak tak puas hati,jgnlah tulis kat cni ek? kesian blog nadya jadi tmpat bdebat. ek? slamat hari raya bro.=)
sori again ye nadya? hehe...peace!
Haha gila intimidating rupanya aku ni. Takdelah, dr razi. I think you misunderstood what Rabiah cakap. I mean I don't see the difference between what you're trying to say and what i am saying.
Bukannya diharamkan mintak syurga. Cuma perlu betulkan niat. I can be honest with you that when I was younger, my motivation for praying and doing good stuff is getting to heaven and fear of my parents. To my opinion now, that is wrong. Doing good stuff, praying should be done because of God, not because I want to go to Heaven or Hell.
I have something that trumps your hadith [yalah, bukannya kita tak tahu, ada hadith yang diadakan but I don't believe this hadith is one of those]: niat sembahyang: Sahaja aku sembahyang ... kerana Allah Taala. Haha, bukan nya kerana nak masuk syurga. Syurga is a bonus. Sahaja aku sembahyang kerana Allah Taala tapi kalau nak letak aku dalam syurga - terima kasih, kalau taknak, takpelah. Ikhlas - sifat Mahmudah... kedua ek? Lupa lak.
Like, I assume you're a medic student/doctor, in your profession, your motive is to help people, getting good pay is just a bonus. So is the same way with praying and whateverness. [Mine is the other way round, but you get the idea, right?]
ooh...ok2,we're on da same track then. hehe...
saje timbulkan isu pasal tu sbb kebanyakan orang fhm Islam tu susah. xbole itu,xboleh ini,haram itu,haram ini.
even utk perkara ni pon ade sesetgh pihak yang ckp,sape yg mintak syurga atau takutkan neraka, maka dia salah. (abisla sume org cuak,sbb kebanyakan org bermotivasikan syurga dan neraka as bonus-like u said),
nnt ramai orang Islam yang ragu2, "alamak,amal aku selama ni x diterima ke? aku syirik ke?"
so sy cuma nk meringankan isu ni je...xdela orang takut utk beramal. xdela org bkn Islam pandang Islam tu agama yang ssh...nak wat sesuatu xbole kerana nk syurga,nnt bdosa---kan cuak orang bukan Islam nak dekat ngan Islam...kan? =)
hehe,tq 4 sharing bro. assalamualaikum....
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