Sunday 1 June 2008

Th bigger picture

As i read and re-read my books and revise my past year exam questions, my brain gets blocked in and out at certain point until all i want to do is just keep clicking the mouse without any reason. i dont know if that last sentence makes sense, but anyway, my exam is starting tomorrow and as i know myself, the weeks of torture is something i dont relish in. i keep wondering when this is all going to end, everytime i read a book, i check how many more pages till the end...

but then again, i dont see the bigger picture of it all.... i dont see that the more i waste my time clicking this zestful mouse, i am adding more stress to my life. what i should be doing now instead of typing away is to keep on doing what other medical students are doing now...STUDY STUDY AND..OH YEAH...STUDY!!! D-UH....

what is the bigger picture for you? for me...what i mean by the bigger picture is, i am going through a torture chamber of uncertain density now, but all this will quintessentially lead me closer to my purpose in life. that is my bigger picture. the little things now, will make me what i am when i am in the future. let us all pray that we have bright futures ahead of us and may all of us paint our perfect bigger picture.

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